When Anti–Intellectual Revolution is a law in play, a player that directly gains a technology will be unaffected.
The Nekro player is never affected by the Anti–Intellectual Revolution law.
The Nekro player’s Valefar Assimilator technologies count for the “Against” effect, whether their tokens are on another player’s faction technology or not.
A player with no non–fighter ships on the game board may still research technology when Anti–Intellectual Revolution is a law in play.
A player may only exhaust planets they control for the “Against” effect of Anti–Intellectual Revolution.
Archived Secret
A player with three scored secret objectives may draw a fourth. However, they must immediately shuffle it into the secret objective deck.
If a player draws the Drive the Debate secret objective while resolving Archived Secret, they cannot score it immediately.
Armed Forces Standardization
Arms Reduction
Articles of War
Checks and Balances
If there are any trade goods on a chosen strategy card while Checks and Balances is a law in play, the player who chose the strategy card gains them, not the player who receives that card.
The Public Disgrace action card may be played after a player has chosen a strategy card and announced which player will be receiving it. The player must choose a different strategy card, and then choose the same or a different player to receive it.
Clandestine Operations
If the “For” effect of Clandestine Operations is resolved, the removed tokens may be from any pool or pools on a player’s command sheet.
Classified Document Leaks
If Classified Document Leaks is revealed when only one secret objective is in play, players may only vote for that secret objective or abstain. If no votes are cast, the speaker must decide for that secret objective to be elected.
Players may still play riders if only one secret objective has been scored.
The player that originally owned the secret objective elected by Classified Document Leaks cannot score it again after it becomes a public objective.
The elected secret objective no longer counts towards the original player’s limit of three secret objectives.
If Classified Document Leaks is discarded, the elected secret objective is not returned to the original player, and it is no longer scorable as a public objective. It remains in play, not discarded.
A player can score a maximum of one objective of any type during or after each combat. A player cannot score the elected objective and one of their own secret objectives from the same combat.
The elected objective becomes a public objective and stops being a secret objective.
If Classified Document Leaks is elected by Miscount Disclosed, the objective that was originally elected will remain a public objective during the vote. It therefore cannot be re–elected.
If there are no other secret objectives eligable to be elected by the Miscount Disclosed revote, Classified Document Leaks will be discarded, and another agenda will be revealed and voted on.
Colonial Redistribution
If the player that originally controlled the elected planet has the fewest victory points, they may choose themselves to place an infantry on that planet.
If the elected planet has the Demilitarized Zone exploration card attached, no infantry will be placed on it. Control of the planet will remain with the original player.
Committee Formation
Committee Formation is resolved after any riders have been played, if the owner so chooses. Riders will resolve if the predicted outcome matches the player elected by the effect of Committee Formation.
The owner of Committee Formation may play riders before they resolve Committee Formation.
The Confusing Legal Text and Confounding Legal Text action cards may be played after Committee Formation has been discarded to change who the elected player is, which will negate the effects of Committee Formation.
The Deadly Plot action card may be played after Committee Formation has been discarded to discard the agenda without resolving it, but only if that player predicted a different outcome from some other game effect.
Compensated Disarmament
All trade goods are gained together.
Each destroyed infantry will provide one trade good and each destroyed mech will provide one trade good.
A planet with zero units on it is eligible to be elected.
Structures are unaffected by Compensated Disarmament.
The Titans of Ul’s Hel–Titans are also ground forces and are thus affected by Compensated Disarmament.
Conventions of War
When Conventions of War is a law in play a player may still use the Tactical Bombardment action card, the X–89 Bacterial Weapon technology or the Stellar Converter relic on a cultural planet.
Core Mining
A planet with zero infantry on it may be elected.
Covert Legislation
If the Speaker draws Classified Document Leaks, Judicial Abolishment, Miscount Disclosed or New Constitution, when that agenda would be discarded if revealed, both the hidden agenda and Covert Legislation are discarded.
Any effects that take place when or after an agenda is revealed instead take place when or after the speaker has drawn and announced the possible outcomes for the hidden agenda.
If an effect, such as the Veto action card, would discard Covert Legislation, both it and the hidden agenda are discarded.
The hidden agenda is only revealed as it is resolved. All abilities that may be played after voting, such as the Bribery, Confounding Legal Text, Confusing Legal Text or Deadly Plot action cards, must be played before the agenda is revealed.
The speaker may still vote on Covert Legislation.
The Crown of Emphidia
If The Crown of Emphidia law is discarded, no player loses a victory point.
If the player that gains The Crown of Emphidia controls no planets in their home system, they cannot lose it.
The Crown of Thalnos
Demilitarized Zone
Economic Equality
If the “For” outcome of Economic Equality is resolved, the Mentak player may resolve their Pillage faction ability against each of their neighbors.
Enforced Travel Ban
The effect of the Enforced Travel Ban law does not affect the Creuss player.
Enforced Travel Ban only prevents movement using the normal adjacency provided by wormholes. Other effects that create adjacency, such as the Wormhole Reconstruction agenda or the Lost Star Chart action card, may be used to allow movement between systems containing wormholes.
When the Enforced Travel Ban law is in play, units cannot move through wormholes, even by effects that move ships outside of the Movement step of a tactical action, such as while retreating.
When the Enforced Travel Ban law is in play, hits may still be produced against ships in the active system by units with the Deep Space Cannon ability in systems that are adjacent via a wormhole during the Space Cannon Offense step of a tactical action.
Players may still be neighbors via systems that are adjacent via wormholes.
The “Against” effect of Enforced Travel Ban will affect PDS in or adjacent to systems containing an alpha, beta, delta or gamma wormhole.
Executive Sanctions
The effect of the Executive Sanctions law does not affect the Yssaril player.
Fleet Regulations
The effect of the Fleet Regulations law does not prevent the Letnev player from using their Armada faction ability. They may have up to six non–fighter ships in a system if they have four command tokens in their fleet pool.
The Mahact player may only have up to four command tokens in their fleet pool when the Fleet Regulations law is in play, regardless of which faction the command tokens belong to.
Galactic Crisis Pact
Players resolve the secondary ability of the elected strategy card in speaker order.
The secondary ability is resolved immediately, during the agenda phase.
Players must pay the influence or resource costs to resolve the abilities of the Leadership, Warfare or Technology strategy cards if they are elected. Any planets used to pay these costs will ready at the end of the agenda phase.
If the Technology strategy card is elected, a player may exhaust a planet with a technology specialty to ignore a prerequisite on a technology as normal. This planet will ready at the end of the agenda phase.
A player may exhaust the AI Development Algorithm technology to ignore a prerequisite on a unit upgrade technology as normal. AI Development Algorithm will not ready at the end of the agenda phase.
If a player has a strategy card in their play area due to the effect of the Political Stability action card, that strategy card is eligible to be elected.
Holy Planet of Ixth
If the Holy Planet of Ixth law is discarded, no player loses a victory point.
Homeland Defense Act
If the Homeland Defense Act law is discarded, players might have to remove PDS so that they have no more than two on each planet.
Imperial Arbiter
If either strategy card had trade goods on it at the start of the strategy phase, those trade goods remain with the player that originally chose the strategy card.
In a three– or four–player game, the owner of Imperial Arbiter chooses which strategy cards are swapped.
Incentive Program
Ixthian Artifact
A player must still meet the prerequisites for the technology they research.
A player may use the first technology they research to meet the prerequisites of the second technology they research.
A player may exhaust a planet with a technology specialty to ignore a prerequisite on a technology as normal. This planet will ready at the end of the agenda phase.
A player may exhaust the AI Development Algorithm technology to ignore a prerequisite on a unit upgrade technology as normal. AI Development Algorithm will not ready at the end of the agenda phase.
A player with three or fewer units in a system adjacent to the Mecatol Rex system destroys all of their units in that system. Otherwise, a player chooses which three units are destroyed.
All units are destroyed simultaneously.
To cast votes against or to play a rider on Ixthian Artifact is to commit heresy.
Judicial Abolishment
If Judicial Abolishment is revealed when only one law is in play, players may only vote for that law or abstain. If no votes are cast, the speaker must decide for that law to be elected.
Players may still play riders if only one law is in play.
Minister of Antiquities
Minister of Commerce
Minister of Commerce triggers when its owner has their commodities replenished by any game effect.
Gaining a fixed number of commodities does not trigger Minister of Commerce, even if doing so would result in its owner having commodities equal to their commodity value.
All trade goods are gained together.
Minister of Exploration
If the owner of Minister of Exploration gains control of multiple planets during one invasion, the trade goods are gained one at a time.
Minister of Industry
All units in that system may use their Production ability, not just the placed space dock.
The produced units must be paid for.
A space dock cannot be placed on a planet already containing a space dock.
If a player has no space docks in their reinforcements when they may place a space dock on they game board, they may first remove a space dock from a system that does not contain their command token. However, they cannot then place the space dock on the same planet that they removed it from.
An ability that puts a space dock on the game board by “replacing”, rather than “placing”, such as the Infiltrate action card, will trigger Minister of Industry.
Minister of Peace
Once a player resolves the ability of Minister of Peace, the active player cannot use any “after you activate a system” abilities.
Other players, including the Minister of Peace player, cannot use any “after another player activates a system that…” abilities.
The active player may still use any “at the end of your turn” abilities when their turn is ended by Minister of Peace.
The player that owns Minister of Peace does not have to have any of their units in the active system to resolve Minister of Peace, so long as any non–active player owns at least one unit in the active system.
Minister of Policy
The owner of Minister of Policy will draw action cards during the Draw Action Cards step of the status phase, and again at the end of the status phase.
If the Yssaril player owns Minister of Policy, they will use their Scheming ability for both the Draw Action Cards step and for Minister of Policy. However, they do not draw all the cards together; they must fully resolve Scheming by discarding an action card for the Draw Action Cards step before drawing any action cards for Minister of Policy.
Neural Motivator does not apply when the owner of Minister of Policy draws action cards from its effect.
Minister of Sciences
Minister of War
Effects that trigger at the start or end of a player’s turn will not trigger between each of those player’s action.
Miscount Disclosed
If Miscount Disclosed is revealed when only one law is in play, players may only vote for that law or abstain. If no votes are cast, the speaker must decide for that law to be elected.
Players may still play riders if only one law is in play.
The elected law remains in play, and remains elected to the same object if applicable, while it is being voted on.
If Articles of War is elected by Miscount Disclosed, the Hacan player’s transactions during the revote cannot involve any planets containing their Pride of Kenara mechs, and the Empyrean player cannot cancel action cards played during the revote with their Watcher mechs.
If Classified Document Leaks is elected by Miscount Disclosed, the objective that was originally elected will remain a public objective during the vote. It therefore cannot be re–elected.
If Committee Formation is elected by Miscount Disclosed, the owner may use its ability. The elected player will receive Committee Formation from the discard pile.
If Homeland Defense Act is elected by Miscount Disclosed, and the “For” effect is resolved again, players will not have to remove any PDS from the board.
If Political Censure is elected by Miscount Disclosed, the current owner cannot play action cards, including Confounding Legal Text, if another player is elected. If another player is elected, that player may play the Confusing Legal Text action card.
If Wormhole Reconstruction is elected by Miscount Disclosed, the Mentak player will remain neighbors with players through wormholes, allowing them to use their Pillage faction ability on those players. The Empyrean player’s Watcher mechs will remain adjacent to other players’ units through wormholes, allowing them to cancel action cards played with the mech’s ability.
If Representative Government is elected by Miscount Disclosed, each player will cast only one vote during the revote.
If the elected law is attached to a planet, and is increasing its influence value, the player that controls that planet may still cast votes using the increased influence.
Once the law is elected, any riders on Miscount Disclosed will resolve. Following that, the elected law is then treated as being revealed.
If Classified Document Leaks is elected by Miscount Disclosed, and there are no other secret objectives eligable to be elected by the Miscount Disclosed revote, Classified Document Leaks will be discarded and replaced.
When the elected law is treated as revealed, the Veto action card, the Xxcha Quash faction ability, or the Xxcha Political Favor promissory note may be played. If so, the law will be discarded and replaced.
The Political Secret promissory note may also be played when the elected law is treated as revealed.
After the elected law is treated as revealed, riders may be played to predict the outcome of the elected law.
After all players have voted for Miscount Disclosed, the Deadly Plot action card may be played. If so, the elected law is not voted on and remains in play.
After all players have voted for the elected law, the Deadly Plot action card may be played. If so, the elected law is discarded.
Players who resolved a transaction while voting on and resolving Miscount Disclosed may resolve an additional transaction voting on and resolving the elected law.
If Holy Planet of Ixth, Shard of the Throne or The Crown of Emphidia is elected by Miscount Disclosed, the owner will not lose a victory point.
If the “For” outcome of Mutiny is resolved, players gain victory points in speaker order.
New Constitution
If a player controls planets in another player’s home system, those planets are not exhausted by the “For” outcome of New Constitution.
Nexus Sovereignty
The effect of the Nexus Sovereignty law does not affect the Creuss player.
When the Nexus Sovereignty law is in play, units cannot move through the alpha and beta wormholes in the wormhole nexus, even by effects that move ships outside of the movement step of a tactical action, such as while retreating.
When the Nexus Sovereignty law is in play, hits may still be produced against ships in the active system by units with the Deep Space Cannon ability in systems that are adjacent via a wormhole during the Space Cannon Offense step of a tactical action.
Players may still be neighbors via systems that are adjacent via wormholes.
Political Censure
When a player is elected for Political Censure, they may play the Confusing Legal Text or Deadly Plot action cards before it resolves.
Prophecy of Ixth
Other effects that produce units without a unit using its Production ability will not cause Prophecy of Ixth to be discarded.
Public Execution
Publicize Weapon Schematics
If the Publicize Weapon Schematics law is in play, and a player is the first to gain the war sun unit upgrade technology, from then on, prerequisites for the war sun unit upgrade technology will be ignored.
If the Muaat does not own their Prototype War Sun II faction unit upgrade technology, they do not own a war sun technology.
If the Publicize Weapon Schematics law is in play, the Muaat player will not cause prerequisites for the War Sun unit upgrade technology to be ignored if they do not own their Prototype War Sun II faction unit upgrade technology.
If the “Against” outcome of Publicize Weapon Schematics is resolved, the Muaat player will not discard their action cards if they do not own their Prototype War Sun II faction unit upgrade technology.
The Muaat player’s Prototype War Sun will lose its Sustain Damage ability, regardless of if the Muaat player owns their Prototype War Sun II faction unit upgrade technology.
Rearmament Agreement
A player that controls no planets in their home system will not place a mech if the “For” outcome of Rearmament Agreement is resolved.
If a player wishes to place a mech, but there are none in their reinforcements, they may remove a mech from any system that does not contain one of their command tokens and place that instead. The mech will be placed undamaged.
A player that has no mechs on the game board is unaffected by the “Against” effect of Rearmament Agreement.
Regulated Conscription
Representative Government
Research Grant Reallocation
A player may gain any technology, regardless of the number of command tokens in their fleet pool.
If a player must remove more command tokens than they have in their fleet pool, they remove all their command tokens from their fleet pool instead.
The number and colors of technologies a player owns will have no effect on the number of command tokens they remove.
A player cannot exhaust a planet with a technology specialty to reduce the number of commend tokens they remove.
Research Team: Biotic
The agenda card, not the planet, is exhausted to ignore the prerequisite.
Research Team: Cybernetic
The agenda card, not the planet, is exhausted to ignore the prerequisite.
Research Team: Propulsion
The agenda card, not the planet, is exhausted to ignore the prerequisite.
Research Team: Warfare
The agenda card, not the planet, is exhausted to ignore the prerequisite.
Search Warrant
A player with three scored secret objectives may draw a fourth. However, they must immediately shuffle it into the secret objective deck.
If the elected player has three secret objective cards, and they would draw another, the drawn secret objective card is revealed before that player chooses which card to discard. This applies both when the elected player initially draws the secret objective cards from the effect of Search Warrant when they are elected, and if they later draw secret objective cards from another effect.
If a player draws the Drive the Debate secret objective while resolving Search Warrant, they cannot score it immediately.
Seed of an Empire
If multiple players have the most or fewest victory points, they gain victory points in speaker order.
Senate Sanctuary
Shard of the Throne
If the Shard of the Throne law is discarded, no player loses a victory point.
Shared Research
If the Shared Research law is in play, a player still cannot move into a nebula unless it is the active system.
If the Shared Research law is in play, a ship that begins the Movement step of a tactical action in a nebula still treats its move value as one for the duration of that step.
Swords to Plowshares
Mechs are ignored by the “For” effect of Swords to Plowshares.
Terraforming Initiative
Unconventional Measures
Wormhole Reconstruction
While Wormhole Reconstruction is in play, Enforced Travel Ban will have no effect.
The “Against” effect of Wormhole Reconstruction will cause each player to place command tokens in each system that contains an alpha, beta, delta or gamma wormhole and one or more of that player’s ships.
Wormhole Research
A player with ships in a delta or gamma wormhole may research a technology from the “For” effect. Those ships will not be destroyed.
A player must still meet the prerequisites for the technology they research.
A player may exhaust a planet with a technology specialty to ignore a prerequisite on a technology as normal. This planet will ready at the end of the agenda phase.
A player may exhaust the AI Development Algorithm technology to ignore a prerequisite on a unit upgrade technology as normal. AI Development Algorithm will not ready at the end of the agenda phase.
Ground forces in the space area of a system containing an alpha or beta wormhole will be removed due to lack of capacity after the ships in that system are destroyed; those ground forces will not trigger any “destroyed” effects.
If Anti–Intellectual Revolution is in play as a law, players who research a technology will destroy a ship due to Anti–Intellectual Revolution before they destroy ships in systems containing alpha or beta wormholes. As such, they may choose a ship in a system containing an alpha or beta wormhole to destroy for Anti–Intellectual Revolution
If the Vuil’raith player has their flagship, The Terror Between, in a system containing an alpha or beta wormhole, and they choose to destroy it for Anti–Intellectual Revolution, then they will not capture the other ships in that system that are destroyed by Wormhole Research.
If the Vuil’raith player has their flagship, The Terror Between, in a system containing an alpha or beta wormhole, and they choose to destroy another ship with capacity, they must resolve capacity before Wormhole Research destroys any ships. Any fighters they remove due to capacity will not be captured when ships are destroyed for Wormhole Research.
The Saar player’s Floating Factories will not be destroyed by Wormhole Research.