Any space docks that are placed by this ability during a tactical action may produce units during the Production step of that tactical action.
If the L1Z1X player resolves their Assimilate ability, and then plays the Infiltrate action card, or vice versa, they will replace zero PDS and space docks with zero PDS and space docks when they resolve the latter ability.
If the L1Z1X player would have to place a structure, but there are none of that type left in their reinforcements, they may remove a structure of that type from any system that does not contain one of their command tokens and place that instead.
The L1Z1X player must mandatorily replace every structure. However, if there are none of that type in their reinforcements they are not forced to do so.
The Planetary Shield ability will prevent the use of the Harrow ability on a planet.
The L1Z1X player cannot use their Harrow ability if they are not the active player. This will most commonly occur due to the effect of the N’orr player’s commander, G’hom Sek’kus.
The L1Z1X player may use their Harrow ability at the end of the round in which their last ground force was destroyed. This may cause the combat to end in a draw.
During the Bombardment step, each of the L1Z1X player’s units with the Bombardment ability is assigned only one planet to bombard. However, during ground combat, every unit in the system with the Bombardment ability may use it against the planet the ground combat is taking place on.
An Annihilator may bombard when using Harrow if that mech is not currently participating in ground combat, even if it has been committed to a different planet, and has been or will be involved in another ground combat during the current invasion.
The L1Z1X player may use the ability of the X–89 Bacterial Weapon Ω technology card whenever they bombard.
Cybernetic Enhancements (Promissory Note)
If the L1Z1X player has no command tokens in their strategy pool, Cybernetic Enhancements cannot be played.
Cybernetic Enhancements Ω (Promissory Note)
Inheritance Systems (Technology)
The two resources for Inheritance Systems must be paid in addition to and separately from any other costs paid to research the technology. For example, if the L1Z1X player is performing the secondary of the Technology strategy card, they cannot spend the five resources of [0.0.0] plus one trade good to pay for the costs of both Technology and Inheritance Systems. Instead, they would have to spend [0.0.0] to pay for the cost of Technology, wasting the fifth resource, then spend two trade goods to pay for the cost of Inheritance Systems.
Super Dreadnought (Unit)
[0.0.1] (Flagship)
I48S (Agent)
The infantry must be in the system when it is activated for it to be eligible to be replaced. It cannot be replaced if it is moved into or produced in the active system later in the turn.
If a player wishes to place a mech, but there are none left in their reinforcements, they may remove a mech from any system that does not contain one of their command tokens and place that instead. The mech will be placed undamaged.
2RAM (Commander)
Those units still have Planetary Shield. The player that owns those units may still activate the Magen Defense Grid technology.
The Helmsman — Dark Space Navigation (Hero)
Ships in systems with one of the L1Z1X player’s command tokens may move.
Ships may transport units only if their origin system does not contain one of the L1Z1X player’s command tokens.
A future rule change will allow a player’s ships to transport units from systems that contain that player’s command token when those ships move outside of a tactical action.
Ships move directly to their destination system. They may only transport units from their origin system.
Ships moving out of a gravity rift must roll for removal.
Ships cannot move into a nebula or supernova, even if it contains one of the L1Z1X player’s command tokens.
Ships may travel into an asteroid field only if the L1Z1X player owns the Antimass Deflectors technology.
Dark Space Navigation may be used to move ships into the wormhole nexus. If the nexus is inactive, this will cause it to activate.
Annihilator (Mech)
An Annihilator may bombard when using the L1Z1X player’s Harrow ability if that mech is not currently participating in ground combat, even if it has been committed to a different planet, and has been or will be involved in another ground combat during the current invasion.
An Annihilator may bombard any one planet during the Bombardment step of an invasion.