Rules Reference
The active player is the player taking a turn during the action phase.
- During the action phase, the player who is first in initiative order is the first active player.
- After the active player takes a turn, the next player in initiative order becomes the active player.
- After the last player in initiative order takes a turn, the player who is first in initiative order becomes the active player again, and turns begin again in initiative order, ignoring any players who have already passed.
- During the strategy, status and agenda phases, no player is the active player.
- During combat, the active player is the attacker.
- The active player will have the first opportunity to resolve abilities during each timing window.
- All transactions during the action phase must involve the active player.
- If a non–active player produces hits using the
Space Cannon Offense ability of one of their units, those hits must be assigned to the active player’s units.