Rules Reference
Players can score objectives to gain victory points.
- There are two types of objective cards: public objectives and secret objectives.
- Each public objective has a “I” or “II” on the back of its card; all other objectives are secret objectives.
- Each objective card indicates a number of victory points that a player gains by scoring that objective.
- Each objective card indicates the phase during which a player can score that objective – the status, action, or agenda phases.
- Each objective card describes the requirement a player must fulfill to score that objective.
- If a player fulfills the requirement described on an objective card, they can score that objective following the timing indicated on the card, either during the action phase or the status phase.
- When a player scores an objective during the status phase, they must fulfill the requirement on the card during the Score Objectives step of the status phase to score that objective.
- When a player scores an objective during the action phase, they can do so at any time during that phase.
- When a player scores an objective during the agenda phase, they can do so at any time during that phase.
- A player can score a maximum of one public objective and one secret objective during each status phase.
- A player can score any number of objectives during the agenda phase or during a turn of the action phase; however, they can only score one objective during or after each combat.
- A player can score an objective during both the space combat and the ground combat during the same tactical action.
- A player can score each objective only once during the game.
- If an objective requires a player to destroy one or more units, those units can be destroyed by producing hits against them, playing action cards, using technology, or any number of other abilities that use the “destroy” terminology.
- Forcing a player to remove a unit from the board by reducing the number of command tokens in their fleet pool is not treated as destroying a unit.
- Players can score some objectives by spending resources, influence, or tokens, as described by the objective card. To score such an objective, a player must pay the specified cost at the time indicated on the card.
- Public Objectives
- When scoring a public objective, the player places one of their control tokens on that objective’s card. Then, that player advances their control token on the victory point track a number of spaces equal to the number of victory points gained.
- Each game contains five stage I and five stage II public objective cards that the speaker places facedown near the victory point track during setup.
- The speaker reveals two of the stage I objective cards during setup. All other objective cards remain facedown.
- During each status phase, the speaker reveals a facedown public objective card.
- The speaker does not reveal stage II objective cards until all stage I objective cards are revealed.
- If the speaker must reveal a facedown public objective card but all public objective cards are already revealed, the game ends immediately.
- The player with the most victory points is the winner. If one or more players are tied for having the most victory points, the tied player who is first in initiative order is the winner.
- A player cannot score public objectives if that player does not control each planet in their home system.
- Secret Objectives
- When scoring a secret objective, a player reveals the objective by placing it faceup in their play area. Then, they place one of their control tokens on that objective’s card and advances their control token on the victory point track a number of spaces equal to the number of victory points gained.
- A player can only score their own secret objectives; a player cannot score secret objectives revealed by other players.
- Each player begins the game with one secret objective.
- Each player can have up to three total scored and unscored secret objectives.
- If a player draws a secret objective and has more than three, that player must choose one of their unscored secret objectives and return it to the deck. Then, that player shuffles the secret objective deck.
- A player can gain secret objectives by resolving either the primary or secondary ability of the Imperial strategy card.
A public objective is an objective that is revealed to all players.
A secret objective is an objective that is controlled by one player and is hidden from all other players until it is scored.
- A status phase objective must have its condition met during the status phase; any activity during the action phase is irrelevant.
- The number of secret objective cards in a player’s hand is public information.
- A player may choose to reveal any or all of the secret objective cards in their hand, if they so choose.
- If multiple ground combats happen on separate planets as part of a single invasion during one action, one secret objective may be scored during each.
- The Bombardment and Space Cannon steps happen outside of combat; any number of secret objectives may be scored during those steps, and do not prevent another secret objective being scored during combat that turn.
- The Anti–Fighter Barrage step, however, is a step during combat.
- A player may score an action phase secret objective when they are not the active player.
- A player with three scored secret objectives may draw a fourth. However, they must immediately shuffle it into the secret objective deck.
- For notes about specific objective cards, see the objective card component notes page.